It's the evening of April 6th and thus begins the start of some sort of blog. Do I have anything interesting to add to the already crowded ether we call the internet? I have no fuckin idea...
I'll throw out some ideas, some commentary, maybe a review or two and ask the slightly off centered Los Angelinos I call my friends to contribute. Hopefully we'll create a dysfunctional but highly readable blog about life, Los Angeles (if life is to be found here), politics and - i don't know - my latest fetish.
Speaking of fetish - David Soul.
I don't care. Starsky never came close. David beat his wife but still sang in his tenor tones about "Don't Give Up On Us Baby".
Go to Napster and get the single - genius.
He didn't feel the need to fly into Starsky-esque testosterone fueled arguments with Huggy Bear. No - he'd question the perp quietly yet forcefully. And when it came to a car chase - it was all David. Paul Michael paled in comparison.
God Bless DS. I look forward to seeing him on some sort of reality show and/or a CW drama.
Enjoy the blog Mofos....
First time blogger but I'm game. Huggy Bear brings back memories of Antonio Fargas playing with my kids at parties with my ex-boss (crazy lady). What a wonderful guy. I'm sure he didn't beat his wife. I haven't seen him for years. Anyone know how his career is going? I wish him well.
Re: The Easter Lady Singer Woman from April 5:
What I love so deeply about Nancy the Lord Singer's music is her sense of fitting lyrics to music. Not everyone has not a single clue about how to do this, I mean no sense whatsoever, and still writes songs that she will sing into a microphone. One not made of soap, and not one hanging in her shower stall from a rope, but a real one that's just above the heads of hearing people. And plugged in. Is Nancy sure she's not Jewish because that takes true chutzpuh. There's something particularly fine about the way she's worked the lyric, "Stealing our children's souls..." through the word "universities." I also like the way she sings the "t" in "universities." Its so there, even more than there.
My shrink used to say, "It's actually hard to write badly for long. With enough practice, you can't stay that way." Well, Dr., I cite for you one Nancy the Lord Singer as evidence to the contrary. And one more thing? I love her warm, resonant voice.
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