Saturday, April 14, 2007


Suspiria is one of my favorite movies. It's directed by a freaky Italian dude by the name of Dario Argento. If you are a horror fan I'm sure you know of him. I always describe this flick as operatic horror. Most people who have watched it after my recommendation think I am insane. I love it - it's impressionistic as well as stupidly gory. Plus, the musical score is the best ever!

I don't really know why I've always been drawn to horror. Is it the rush of a rollarcoaster ride? Am I just one of those dark and twisted people who enjoy seeing horrible events unfold in graphic detail? What is it about horror films that draws in audiences and breaks box office bank every weekend?

Listening to David Cronenberg(director of The Fly, Dead Ringers, Scanners-among other creepazoid flicks) on NPR he tried to explain his fascination with those dark places we dare not tread....

He spoke of the inevitability of death and how we are all trying to either ignore or deny it's existence. By directing these horror films in some way he is able to rehearse his demise - control it. Maybe this is why we clamour to the movie theatre to see a crappy flick like Grudge 2? Does it give us some sort of false sense of immortality?

Everyone has a dark side. Wouldn't it be interesting if we could project our evening dreams onto a screen for all to watch? What would they learn about us? What about you learn about the parish priest, the sweet girl who works at the checkout stand or your lover? Much of it would be boring and nonsense but, still, what we would learn about each other?

I know my dream projection would include alot of ocean, Brad Pitt and various food items. HOT!

I don't know. I think this world pressures us to be obedient. Society thrives on repressing. Dress right, smile and do a good day's work.

Horror allows you to wear a hockey mask, sneer and not repress a single thing - regardless of the circumstances...

Now don't worry. I don't plan on committing mass murder dressed in overalls wearing a Captain Kirk mask but I am looking forward to the new Rob Zombie remake of Halloween!

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